What is Yoni Steaming?
Yoni Steaming or Vaginal Steaming is an ancient practice that involves sitting over a pot of herb infused warm water and allowing the steam to tone, soften and rejuvenate both the interior and exterior realms of your Yoni. The word Yoni goes way back and comes from the Sanscrit and Hebrew language. It stands for uterus, source of life and vagina. But most of all, female empowerment.
Yoni steaming is a simple traditional remedy that we, modern day women, can call upon to naturally treat some of the challenges associated with the menstrual cycle. A yoni steam is NOT the same as douching. The purpose of a Yoni steam is NOT to clean your vagina. In fact, your vagina is a self cleaning organ!
Why Should I Yoni Steam?
Yoni Steaming reconnects you to your menstrual cycle and encourages a healthy, natural flow. Many problems experienced by female bodied people all over the world with their menstrual cycle are seen as normal, but here’s the thing, it really isn’t. Several artificial factors such as oestrogen in our tap water, artificial light and pesticides in our food contribute to an unnatural period which is unpleasant, uncomfortable and unnecessary. It is not ok that we have to navigate our life around our periods. That’s where Yoni Steaming can really become your new best friend. When the medicinal properties from the herbs, blend with the heat from the steam, circulation and blood flow is improved. The steam also encourages the loosening of old encrusted blood in the yoni to release, and it is the build up of this that can be causing cramps and fatigue, as your body is working extra hard trying to release it.
What a healthy, balanced menstrual cycle looks like?
Length 28-30days
4-5 days of bleeding
Fresh, rich red blood with a medium flow
Little to no pain
Little to no clots (clots should be no larger than 1cm)
What an unhealthy, unbalanced menstrual cycle looks like?
Long Cycle - well over 30 days
Short Cycle - less than 27days
Irregular Cycle
Delayed fertility
Fibroids & Cysts
Yoni steaming benefits for your period
improves menstrual flow by releasing clots & old blood from the womb
regulates and balances the menstrual cycle - brings long cycles back, or lengthens short cycle
minimises pain & flow
reduces & prevents painful cramps before, during, and after your cycle
reduces menstrual bloating
balances your hormones
reduction in black/ brown bleeding
increases libido
aids better sleep
increased natural lubrication
helps prevent early menopause
clears chronic vaginal irritation & peri-menopausal vaginal symptoms
tightens the opening of the vagina
helps with vaginal dryness by increasing cervical fluid
treats & prevents endometriosis, PCOS, yeast infections, fibroids and cysts
helps with infertility
Yoni steaming benefits for postpartum & post-miscarriage
helps the uterine walls contract back to their pre-pregnancy state
helps to heal and repair sore vaginal tissue
facilitates the release of clots & old blood leaving the womb after giving birth
helps with lactation
Yoni steaming benefits for spiritual / emotional / bodily connection
connects you to your divine feminine energy
connects you with nature and the moon cycles
helps clear negative energies & blockages from your womb space
promotes emotional & spiritual healing from past womb traumas e.g. miscarriage, abortion, sexual abuse etc.
connects you to your menstrual cycle
helps you prioritise self-care
leaves you feeling re-energised, rejuvenated, and body-confident
promotes self-reflection and self-development
When to steam
It really depends on what issues you would like to work on. A general rule of thumb, 3 days before, and 3 days after your period.
Those with long cycles, well over 30 days, should steam more often and for longer, to encourage blood circulation, so a 20 - 30 minute steam would be fine, reheating the pot if necessary.
Those with short cycles, 27 days or less, are sensitive and should only steam for 10 minutes with a gentle herbal blend.
Who should NOT Yoni Steam
Do not Yoni Steam if you are pregnant, think you might be pregnant, trying to conceive and have already ovulated for that month, have a high fever, have any open wounds, cuts, stitches or sore or are menstruating/ bleeding.
Use caution if:
-you have a vaginal infection
-you have an IUD, steaming is possible, but very contradictory. Use your own intuition, the steaming should be for no longer than 10 minutes at a time if you have an IUD. This is because there is a small risk of the coil coming loose and causing pain and discomfort.
After your first few Yoni steams, you may experience some side effects that are totally normal and actually show that your body is cleansing itself, these include;
- the first period after steaming may be more intense, but don't let that deter you, as it is cleansing the yoni from the accumulation of stagnated blood. It will be better by the second month and better from then on
- bleeding or discharge after your first yoni steam
- if you usually have clots, you might notice a lot more clots coming out, but again this is the natural cleansing process in action
- cramps
- emotional release
- intense relaxation
Always consult your doctor if you are concerned by any abnormal issues with your cycle.
Yoni Steaming is a powerful practice that reconnects you to your yoni, but it is also part of a deeper process to heal. Therefore we highly recommend that you also take into consideration other factors in your life if you are looking to truly heal, such as what you eat & drink, your lifestyle, your relationships, your environment, your mental health, your family life, your history and potential traumas. Here at Herbal Moon we truly hope that Yoni steaming and the use of herbs can help you on your process to healing.
If this blog post sparked your interest, please check out our organic yoni steaming blends now available on our website!
Happy Healing!